Foamagic Philanthropy

We believe in helping the less fortunate. We operate on a principle of becoming the change that we want to see in the world. With this in mind we have committed to sew 10% of our earnings to assisting the less fortunate. Our belief in giving back is both internal and external as shown by our commitment to staff member improvement.


Staff Members

Becoming a member of our team is becoming a member of our family. Family look out for each other. We have committed to pay wages that are above the market rate for every position of the organization as we believe that individuals should be able to enjoy ownership in the job that takes up the majority of their waking lives. All staff member can take part in the FPP Membership program in order to leave with a legacy whenever they do leave their post. We also offset salary from product sales.



We believe that a little goes a long way when there’s not much to go around. From the inception of the Company, we decided that we would feed the homeless in every city that we operate in. As such we operate soup kitchens in partnership with local churches and volunteers to lend a hand to provide for the less fortunate. You can do your part by contributing to the movement, all proceeds from donation goes to the Fomagic Philanthropy. You can follow our Youtube page for updates.

Pediatric and Geriatric Care

 One of the most cherished area of our giving is in assisting in providing housing and care for the young and the elderly. Through our partnership with Charity & Truth organization, we are working to celebrate the milestone of at least one House in each continent. You can follow the progress on our youtube page as well as see updates on all social media platforms.


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